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Introducing a new brand to the market


Founded on high-quality juice and an energetic design, SunDAZE is quickly becoming a household brand and the go-to juice-based cocktail. SunDAZE keeps it simple with three flavors and offers an authentic taste experience showing you that a great cocktail should be simple in creation and sophisticated in taste.

Having spent three years perfecting the unique fermentation process that would lead to the creation of SunDAZE cocktails, founders Juan Diego Cordon Toledano and Arthur Gallego are pushing the boundaries on what is considered a cocktail.

PROBLEM: Gaining brand visibility

Because SunDAZE is such a unique product and the formulation of the natural fermentation process is new to the market, getting in front of as many potential consumers as possible to sample each flavor would be the best way to introduce the new brand to such a saturated industry.

With both SunDAZE founders knowing where their expertise lie, Toledano and Gallego were looking to outsource their experiential marketing needs of event/demo scheduling, product inventory checks, staffing events with knowledgeable Brand Ambassadors, and event feedback reporting.

PLAN OF ACTION: A curated experiential marketing plan tailored to the needs of SunDAZE

To organically reach as many consumers as possible, it was crucial to bring the product directly to a place of purchase. Phun for All scheduled and activated 65 in-store demos between Ralph’s Grocery, Total Wine and More, and independent liquor stores throughout California. With the success of the previous activations SunDAZE has already scheduled future in-store demos with Phun for All.

Along with managing the demo schedule, an important part of SunDAZE is their brand story and how it is presented to their consumers. Once SunDAZE provides training materials to Phun for All, our Brand Ambassadors are educated on every aspect of the brand giving every consumer the best possible experience. From the story behind the brand nutritional facts about each flavor, and the main talking points, each Brand Ambassador comes out of training ready to represent SunDAZE as if it were their own.

Since Phun for All is able to manage all logistics of the in-store demos for SunDAZE, an important part of each activation is the reporting system that SunDAZE has access to in order to stay up to date with ROI in real-time. Each Brand Ambassador submits a full detailed report about each activation including; how many units were sampled and sold, how many consumers they were able to interact with, comments from the consumers and the managers of the store, and so much more.

RESULTS: Brand visibility and traction gained

Over the course of the 65 activations, around 600 4-packs were sold. During the in-store demonstrations many Brand Ambassadors reported that because consumers were able to sample the new-to-them product, they ended up purchasing SunDAZE rather than the product they were originally going into the store for.

It was also found that most of the consumers not only decided to purchase the product after sampling but with the combination of sampling and listening to the SunDAZE brand story a connection was fostered between consumers and SunDAZE leading to a purchase of the product and creating a path to brand loyalty.

CONCLUSION: Phun for All plan provided concrete results with their experiential marketing plan

Overall, SunDAZE is quickly becoming the go-to choice for a juice-based cocktail and has been able to see success through putting its product in front of as many consumers as possible.

A key takeaway for SunDAZE was the importance of working with an outside company that is able to provide more than one experiential marketing service, and is why working with Phun for All made sense.

Phun for All understands it is hard for new brands to let go of some of the responsibility so making everything accessible for clients is a top priority. While creating a memorable consumer experience, Phun for All has around the clock support backed up with technology solutions in reporting, impressions, and more from brand activations.

Looking for experiential marketing help? Connect with us here at Phun for All!